At Welbeck, we love playing competitively as well as socially.
We have a number of teams playing in a variety leagues across Sheffield and Nottinghamshire.
These include the Sheffield District and Nott's District League.
Look at the menu for all the latest fixtures and results.
Welbeck Team Tennis – Code of Practice
- The aim of our teams is to allow members to play competitive tennis at various levels.
- The team captains shall pick players they feel appropriate for the level of their league.
- If we have more than one team in a league ie Men’s and Winter mixed, then the players will be selected on their ability for the A, B or C
- The A team captain will always have first choice of players for their squad/team, then B and then C teams.
- If a player is selected for a team and does not wish to play they cannot play for another team that week, ie if picked to play in the C team and
they refuse, they cannot play for the A or B teams that week.
- If a player feels that they are not being picked for a higher team for any other reason than ability, they should speak firstly to the team
captain. If this does not resolve the issue then they should raise the matter with a committee member for discussion at the next committee meeting. The decision of the committee is
- Team captains can be replaced by the committee at any time.
- Above all, league tennis is a leisure activity and it is hoped all team players will enjoy their tennis.
Welbeck Tennis Club Committee